Rimi Riga Marathon
The only Gold label marathon in Northern Europe
Branding & Identity
Riga Marathon

Rimi Riga Marathon is an annual event in the capital of Latvia. It has been awarded with prestigious World Athletics Gold Label, and is currently the only marathon holding this label in Northern Europe, thus confirming the exceptional job that the organizational team is doing.
The marathon race has a long history in Riga city, and after 30 years it has grown to welcome almost 40 000 runners from 82 countries. The contest now offers five races - marathon, half-marathon, 10 km, 5.5 km, and 4.2 km Family Run, accompanied by many running festivities throughout the weekend.
Our mission was to transform the brand and make it more cohesive, because up until then – each partner communicated about the marathon according to their own tastes, possibilities and brand books.
Our goal was to develop a design variation for each season. We wanted to make the brand open for different expressions and give momentum to it (with movement patterns, dynamic letter layouts, etc.). We unified the communication and gave specific guidelines to their partners.

Riga Runners
Rimi Riga Marathon runner community “Riga Runners” brings together runners of all levels, professional coaches, Olympians and industry experts to move together - each at their own pace!
Riga Runners identity serves as a Riga Marathon sub-brand, its logotype is created by simplifying the Riga Marathon word mark. This allowed to bring familiarity and connection to the marathon brand.
