Brand Strategy, Identity & Branding, Print, Digital & Web, Art Direction, Packaging, Social media
Our team

Matīss Zvaigzne
Head of Design & Strategy

Helēna Zakare
Head of Projects & Production
Rimants Šveicars
Lotta Ausmane

01 First we define, then design
We have a holistic, research-led approach and our goal is always to address the substance, not just the surface. We believe that good design goes beyond the looks and digs into what the brand does and represents. We stand by designing human-centered products and our challenge is to perpetually create light, structured and fresh solutions.
02 Us an you
Our core team stands small and covers the key bases. We are based in Riga, servicing clients all around the world (literally – in Europe, the United States, Russia). A joint effort in cooperation with the customer is key to creating long-lasting and sustainable design. We ask, we explain and, most importantly, we reflect.
03 Reflect
For us, it’s not just about getting things done, it’s also very much about using our time wisely and dedicating a part of it to reflecting. On a cognitive level, reflection increases understanding of the task. As Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough."
We reflect not only on our projects, but also on the experiences we have accumulated to articulate what we have learned from them. We believe it is the most powerful way to improve our performance and to become better for future collaborations.